N. Query Duration, ms Row Count
1 SELECT DISTINCT p.*, e.post_id, i.id AS instance_id, i.start AS start, i.end AS end, e.allday AS event_allday, e.recurrence_rules, e.exception_rules, e.ticket_url, e.instant_event, e.recurrence_dates, e.exception_dates, e.venue, e.country, e.address, e.city, e.province, e.postal_code, e.show_map, e.contact_name, e.contact_phone, e.contact_email, e.cost, e.ical_feed_url, e.ical_source_url, e.ical_organizer, e.ical_contact, e.ical_uid, e.timezone_name, e.longitude, e.latitude FROM wp_ai1ec_events e INNER JOIN wp_posts p ON e.post_id = p.ID INNER JOIN wp_ai1ec_event_instances i ON e.post_id = i.post_id LEFT JOIN `wp_term_relationships` AS `term_relationships_events_categories` ON ( `e` . `post_id` = `term_relationships_events_categories` . `object_id` ) LEFT JOIN `wp_term_taxonomy` AS `term_taxonomy_events_categories` ON (`term_relationships_events_categories` . `term_taxonomy_id` = `term_taxonomy_events_categories` . `term_taxonomy_id` AND `term_taxonomy_events_categories` . taxonomy = 'events_categories' ) WHERE post_type = 'ai1ec_event' AND i.end >= 1713854182 AND( term_taxonomy_events_categories.term_id IN ( 562 ) ) AND post_status = 'publish' ORDER BY i.start ASC, post_title ASC LIMIT 0, 11 2.26 0
Total time, ms: 2.26