When purchasing any subscription to consider individual customer discount.

Subscription purchased for at least 4 hours.

If the client wishes to withdraw from the tennis court attendance, or transfer the playing time, he must notify the administrator of one day in advance.


Time Subscription One visit
Monday – Friday
08:00 – 16:00 €12,00 €15,00
16:00 – 20:00 €20,00 €22,00
20:00 – 22:00 €12,00 €15,00
Saturday and Sunday
08:00 – 22:00 €12,00 €15,00


Subscribe free visits

Price per hour Price per 10 hours
€15,00 €150,00
No less than 10 hours
Visit time depends on the day




  • Squash rackets rent – €5,00
  • Squash balls rent – €1,50
  • Towel rent – €2,00

$ 89.99/1 Years

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